Complaints and Disputes
If you think that we have got something wrong, please let us know immediately and we will do our best to resolve this for you. You can contact us on the following email address:
Alternatively you can write to us: Brendon Vesty, Stortford Auto Sales, 919 Heretaunga Street, St Leonards, Hastings 4153 or telephone us:
021 767 495
021 767 495
When we receive a complaint, we follow an internal process to investigate the issue and try resolve it. If we can’t resolve your complaint, or you aren’t satisfied with the way we propose to do so, we can refer you to our dispute resolution scheme, Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL). FSCL will review the complaint and help resolve it. This service is free of charge to you.
Contact Details are:
Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL) – A Financial Ombudsman Service
Phone: 0800 347 257
Address: P O Box 5697, Wellington 6140
Stortford Auto Sales does not provide regulated Financial Advice.
You are protected by responsible lending laws. Because of these protections, the recommendations given to you about this consumer loan and any associated payment protection insurance are not regulated financial advice. This means that duties and requirements imposed on people who give financial advice do not apply to these recommendations. This includes a duty to comply with a code of conduct and a requirement to be licensed.
Difficulties with your loan repayments
If you are going through some financial hardship, please contact us as soon as possible to see what we can do to help. We will do our best to work with you and support you through the hard times.
You may wish to seek advice from a Financial Mentor. Financial mentors provide a one-on-one approach and have sound financial knowledge.
Some local Financial Mentors include:
Birthright Hawkes Bay
Phone: 0800 457 146
68 Taradale Road, Napier
Citizens Advice Bureau
Phone: 0800 367 222
112 Queen Street, Hastings